Whether you’re inclined to zip line over a lush Hawaiian tropical rain forest or simply lounge with friends around the pool See Sea Trips can make that and so much more happen for you.
Adventurous shore excursions!
Exciting culinary delights!
Incredible sights and sounds!
Souvenir shopping!
Await you!

Hi, I’m Dave Kronk and I run See Sea Trips. I specialize in all aspects of cruising travel and accommodations for blind and low vision people who love to travel around the world as much as I do. I have been active in the airline and travel industries for more than 25 years. I really enjoy working with visually impaired travelers. I understand how challenging getting from point A to point B can sometimes be in this fully sighted world of ours. Making your travel and cruising adventures fun, fantastic and filled with fond memories is my main goal.
If fantastic cruising experiences and adventurous shore excursions are what you have in mind I can pair you up with experienced hosts and guides that know the thrill of hiking through Alaskan rain forests. If lounging by a pool or on a beach in warm Caribbean sunshine is more your glass of rum laced punch well that’s fine too. I have ideas to make those times special as well.
And of course, there’s always shopping for that special souvenir at some exotic port. From beautiful diamond jewelry or fine linens hand crafted by local artisans to rum cake or quirky t-shirts I can make that happen too.
You can also use our handy contact form to email me a message or a question and I’ll get back with you right away. Or feel free to call me directly at 618-409-0143.
As someone once said, “Years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the one you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.”
Explore! Dream! Discover!
So Let’s get cruisin’!
Ready to get away on your cruise to exotic and interesting places?
Follow See Sea Trips on social media. We’ll do our best to post pictures, quips and quotes so you know where we are and what we’re doing. And mostly, you’ll get to see how much fun we all have as we cruise the world together.